Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Short Story Draft

Confused, sore, slowly awakening, all of a sudden it comes rushing back to me. I jolt awake trying to move and releasing I am tied to this cage that holds me captive. Reality starts to set in and the memories of last night start flooding my mind, the fun night interupted by the unexpected horror of the masked men, weapons and pain.
They took us, snatched us off the streets without as much as a cry for help. It quickly hits me like a brick wall, they took us, us meaning Tyler! Where did those savages take my brother? For the first time I start taking in my surroundings. Bound; hands and feet tied to this wooden cage holding me captive in a moonlit courtyard surrounded by small huts and two other cages identical to mine, both empty.
Suddenly the door on the hut right next to me swings open making me freeze in position. Two local African men armed with machine guns slowing walk out pushing four North American men infront of them tied at the  hands and among them, my brother. Tyler Anderson; twenty-two years of age, only two years younger than myself walked emotionless across the hard ground mear metres infront of me. I am not worried about him, being a military officer and strong individual he can more than handle himself but I have to do something, he could be a few seconds away from death and my life to follow. I dare only to move my hands fearing they would notice I am awake, the ropes are tight but the cage is weak and it is clear that it is meant to hold unconious or very weak prisoners.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Questions to Consider

12 Questions For The 21st Century


Business Baby Using Laptop
Picture obtained from:
I chose question #2 "How do we leverage the immense power and potential of the Internet, digital tools and social media to enable learners and teachers to connect in purposeful ways across borders and boundaries to contribute to making the world a safer, saner and more just place?" as the most important question for myself because my age group is the most technologically involved society and we learned all about it when we were young. Since we are the youngest group of people that know generally more about the Internet than most people we should be the ones to start working with it to improve the world. If we start now at this young age, we can start making differences before we are even adults and possibly continue that for the rest of our lives.

I chose question #1 "How do we grow global mindedness in every child and youth in this country? Why does it matter?" as the most important question for society to consider. I think this is the most important for society because with every year kids are becoming less and less aware of what is going on around the world. Children in general usually know very little about what goes on outside their country or even home town. I think it is important to spread global mindedness to the kids of our century because they need to know what goes on around the world because even though we are far from other countries what happens there still affects us a great amount. If we can teach them what goes on in different countries they can get more involved in world issues and be educated on this important topic for their future.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Why this thing called "FUN"?

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You may be thinking why is fun so important, surely there must be something more important than fun. To some people they may think fun isn't the most important thing and to them it may not be but for me and many people i know it is because the main thing we seek in life is to enjoy it and you enjoy fun but it is not all about hanging out with your friends and having a good time for all your years there is also a work related part in fun. When you think of what you want to do when you grow up if you are my age or at any age for that matter whether you have already retired or you are in the middle of your job while you're reading this right now, you usually pick something or have already picked something that you will enjoy doing for the majority of your life because we work harder at things we like doing.

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No one likes getting up everyday to go do something they hate no matter how much they are getting paid even if it does help ease the hatred and how are you going to enjoy your life doing that? If you are getting up everyday to go do something you love you are going to be way more enthusiastic and 9 times out of 10 do a better job than someone who doesn't like it. If this is true then we should just make everything fun and then things will get done better and everyone will be happier right? Well, it's a little more complicated because if you give certain people too much freedom they will abuse it and the job will not be completed but if you give them too little then they will hate it. Take school for example; kids hate going to school because it is boring, doesn't interest them and isn't fun but if we made it those three things then they would enjoy going and learn better. 

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This causes a problem because we then have to figure out how far we can take it before students abuse the freedom but also it creates an inconvenience for the leaders of the school board because they usually do not share the same ideas as us and don't find fun a necessity and don't want to inconvenience themselves with it.

If we implemented fun into everything, the right amount and the right way everything would be more enjoyable and get done better but how do we do that?

Blog Introduction

What's up world!?,
My name is Devin Fitzgerald, a high school student living in Ontario Canada and I created this page to talk about FUN! Yes, fun the thing that we all love and seek everyday of our lives. No, not the band!

I believe that fun is the most important thing in life because almost every single thing we enjoy doing is fun in someway to us and the most important thing to do is enjoy living or what's the point right? This page is all about how you should do what you want to do and don't let others control your life and stop you from doing the things that you love. This of course has limitations for example; you can't go rob a bank just because you find that fun because first of all, that's against the law and what fun is sitting in jail and second, that effects everyone involved with that bank negatively and negativity is not fun!